
Pleasure Winter League 2023/24

The Eisteddfa Winter League that will take place on the Pleasure Lake will have a slight change this year.

A vote was taken, by all the regular anglers, on whether there should be a change to the format this year but the vote was 39% to stay the same and 29% to change it to silvers only, so it stays as it is.

However, in light on the fact that some of the regular competitors like the idea of silvers, the optional pools will be £5, split first 3 (50%, 30%, 20%) unless there are thirteen or more in it in which case we will pay first four, and a silvers pool of £2 (unless you want more) (split 65%/35%).

There will also be a separate silvers league, run on the same format as the main league (20 points for a win, 19 for second etc. etc.) and a prize at the end for the winner.

Both leagues will be run as above, on points, with best seven results from eight to count overall.

Entry to each match (peg fee) is £7.50 with additional optional pools as detailed above.

Usual Eisteddfa rules will apply, no bait bans/restriction other than “no floating baits”, 60lb net limit, silvers to be kept in a separate net. Nets out to dry and into the water 15 mins before the start.

1st round Nov 19th 

2nd round Dec 3rd 

3rd round Dec 17th

4th round Jan 7th 

5th round Jan 21st

6th round Feb 4th

7th round Feb 18th 

Final round Mar 3rd 

All WL matches will be 08.45 draw, fishing 10.15 – 15.15.